Digital Balance

Digital Thumbprint Facilitator presenting workshop on stage.
A young woman happily working on her laptop outdoors.
Two Young Women enjoying time together on their mobile phones.
Digital Balance

Improve your physical and mental wellbeing and use technology in a meaningful way.

Recommended for years 10, 11 & 12.


A young woman happily working on her laptop outdoors.

Concepts Covered
Digital Balance

Technology can help us achieve amazing things, so why do we get stuck on social media? During the workshop, students explore the positive uses of technology and practical steps to improve our physical and mental wellbeing through streamlining what our devices can do for us.

Key learnings:

  • Understand how technology use impacts physical and emotional wellbeing.
  • Use technology to stay focussed, healthy and efficient in our work and study.
Two Young Women happily conversing in a library.
“The Digital Thumbprint program was well delivered. The students were engaged and the information was relevant. I highly recommend it to other schools.”
Sally Atkins
Miller Technology High School, NSW
Curriculum Aligned

The Digital Balance workshop directly addresses the Australian Curriculum 9.0 Digital Literacy capability through exploring how to: 

  • Manage online safety 
  • Manage digital privacy and identity 
  • Manage digital wellbeing 
  • Protect content  

  It also addresses aspects of the Personal and Social capabilities including: 

  • Self-awareness 
  • Self-management 
  • Social awareness 
  • Social management 

With a focus on developing students’ critical literacy skills in relation to digital texts the following cross curriculum links apply: 

Health & Physical education 

  • Critique health information, services and media messaging about relationships, lifestyle choices, health decisions and behaviours to evaluate their influence on individual attitudes and actions (AC9HP10P09)
  • Plan, justify and critique strategies to enhance their own and others’ health, safety, relationships, and wellbeing (AC9HP10P10) 


  • Understand how language can have inclusive and exclusive social effects, and can empower or disempower people (AC9E10LA01) 
Technology Year 9 & 10
  • 5.3.1- justifies responsible practices and ethical use of information and software technology
  • 5.3.2- acquires and manipulates data and information in an ethical manner
  • 5.4.1- analyses the effects of past, current and emerging information and software technologies on the individual and society
The Australian Curriculum F–10 includes three general capabilities:
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 design does not include these three general capabilities as separate learning areas or capabilities with discrete knowledge and skills. The ICT general capability skills are either specifically embedded in the content descriptions of Mathematics, Media Arts, Geography, English and Digital Technologies or schools have the flexibility to determine how these skills will be used in their teaching and learning programs for other curriculum areas.
Register for Digital Balance
Digital Thumbprint is designed to run for 45-60 minutes and is delivered by our engaging facilitators at your school or online. For the most engaging experience, we recommend a workshop size of no more than 30 students.


Additional Workshops
Young girl smiling at what she is watching on her iPad.
Cyber Security
Learn what happens to your information online and how to keep it secure.
Teen boy using smartphone alone away from friends
Support yourself and others by asking questions, offering support and getting help.
A young woman in deep focus on her laptop.
Digital Discernment
Understand how to assess the credibility of information.
young boy sitting on a city bench talking on a mobile phone
Digital Identity
Understand the importance of your digital profile for future success.

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