
Digital Thumbprint Facilitator presenting workshop on stage.
Two Young Women enjoying time together on their mobile phones.
Two Young Women enjoying time together on their mobile phones.
Two Young Women enjoying time together on their mobile phones..
Young girl looking at her phone
Digital Thumbprint Program Evaluation Report 2024
Read our new independent evaluation report of the Digital Thumbprint program. This report presents the impact evaluation findings of over 2,300 Australian students and shows strong positive outcomes occurring for students across all Digital Thumbprint workshops.
Young girl looking at her phone
Young man laughing happily with “impact report” wording in the background.
Digital Thumbprint Impact Report 2021
The education landscape has shifted in response to COVID-19 and redefined the way students engage with educators, peers and technology itself. The Digital Thumbprint 2021 Impact report demonstrates how the program continues to support students, teachers, and parents to navigate this changing world, by promoting important behaviours to keep young Australians safe online.

Check out our findings and some great feedback from our students and schools by clicking below.

Digital Thumbprint Impact Report April 2020
Through our latest Digital Thumbprint Impact Report we engaged with over 1000 students and 315 teachers to hear directly from young people about their experiences online and with the program. This report summarises the evaluation results and impact of the program on its participants.

Group of three students enjoying their digital devices outdoors.
Happy young girl playing on her phone with Optus Yes logo in the background.
Digital Thumbprint Evaluation Report, February 2018
With our world now being ‘everything digital’, at Optus our focus is to give young people the ability to manage their digital presence in the best possible way, while avoiding the perils and pitfalls that are becoming all too common for young people online. This report summarises the evaluation results and impact of the program on its participants.

Mid Year Report
The latest information about the Digital Thumbprint program's reach and impact over the 6 month period from 1 April to 30 September 2017.

Group of three young students happily laughing.
Young man smiling whilst working on his laptop.
Digital Citizenship Research Report
How do young Australians behave online and what common issues do they face in this space? What is the current state of programs designed to promote the wellbeing of young Australians in the digital space, and what can we be doing better? To answer these questions, Optus has drawn on both primary and secondary research to provide a map of the current digital citizenship landscape for young Australians.

Digital Thumbprint Evaluation Report 2013-2016
As part of our commitment to create empowered and responsible digital citizens who thrive in today’s world of technology. Optus has conducted a thorough review on over 5,000 students and 2,000 teachers who have participated in the Digital Thumbprint program.

Classroom of excited and engaged students participating in an activity.

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